We invite our members to join us on Saturday, May 7, 2016 from 2-3pm for our Monotype Guild of New England’s  annual meeting at the Attleboro Arts Museum to coincide with the closing of our 4th National Exhibition.

The hour long meeting will include our reports from the board and election of a slate of board members.  We would like to increase membership participation on the board and our volunteer committees. If you are interested in joining the board, would like to nominate a fellow member or would like to know more about what we do and how we do it, please contact Barbara Nachmias-Kedesdy at bkedesdy@comcast.net.

Susan RostowAfter our annual business meeting ends on May 7th, Susan Rostow, inventor of Akua inks, will be providing an artist talk and demonstration at the museum from 3-5 pm.  She will discuss her printed sculptures and then demonstrate Akua inks and Arnhem papers.

Space is limited to thirty attendees and is only open to members.  Please RSVP office@attleboroartsmuseum.org to get on the reservation list.

If you have work in the exhibit, pick-up of artwork will be available at 5-6pm on May 7th after the artist talk.   We will need a large number of volunteers then to pack up the forty-five boxes of work that are being shipped. If you are willing to help with this task, please contact Kate Higley, exhibitions chair at exhibitions@mgne.org.  We will be working until exactly 7pm.  A second day for pick-up will take place on Tuesday, May 10th from 10-4.  Volunteers are needed that day as well.

We hope that you will get to Attleboro Arts Museum to see this wonderful exhibition and we look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting.