1. Create a PayPal account if you do not have one.

2. If the exhibit is for members only, make sure to renew (if you haven’t done so already) or join MGNE.  You can do this at

3. Make sure the file names of your images agree with the requested format detailed in the show prospectus.


If you already have an entrythingy account and access Entrythingy through the URL provided in the show prospectus, you will see the login for the exhibit to begin the process.


If you do not have an Entrythingy account and access Entrythingy through the URL provided in the show prospectus, you will see the following:

“Is this your first time using Entrythingy? Then enter your name, email address and create a password to signup and submit your entry.”

a) IMPORTANT: The name you enter for your Entrythingy account will be the artist’s name that is displayed on the wall label and any/all exhibit materials!

b) Each Entrything account is linked to ONE e-mail address.  You cannot create a second account using that same e-mail address. You cannot enter for someone else using your own account…or YOUR name will appear with their work.

c) After creating an account, you will be taken to a page that shows the MGNE Call for Art


5) On the MGNE Call for Art page you will see entry instructions that require a checkmark at the bottom indicating that you have read and understand the document.  Pay particular attention to “Eligibility” before going on to the next page to be sure that you and your art meet the show criteria.  Once you complete the check, you will be taken to the next page.

6) If an artist statement is requested, you will need to enter that next. We recommend that you create your statement in advance and then cut and paste it into the supplied box rather than editing it online.  (However, if needed, it can be edited later by going back into your Entrythingy profile.)  Hit SUBMIT.  You will be taken to the next page.

7) Under CATEGORY, you will be need to choose Monotype or Monoprint.  The Monotype Guild of New England has very specific definitions for those terms and you can find them on our website  at

Answer all questions on this page including “I agree with the terms of entry,” and hit:  Save and Continue to Next Step

8) The next page is where you will add your images and titles.

a)  IMPORTANT: Please do NOT use all caps and pay special attention to spelling. Whatever you type here will appear exactly that way on your wall label and any/all exhibit materials!

b) If you have images in Entrythingy that conform to our file format specs and naming convention, and want to submit those, you may.  If you are uploading new images, to avoid upload issues make sure they are actually on your computer and not on a thumb drive or disc.

c) Make sure that your images conform to the file format, size requirements, and naming format detailed in the exhibit prospectus so we don’t confuse your art for someone else’s.

d) REALLY IMPORTANT:  After you complete the upload of the first image file, you will see the piece, its title and price. ABOVE that image file will be a button entitled ADD FILE.  To add your second image file you MUST click this ‘Add File’ link, and so on for each additional file. (It would be easier or make more sense if the ADD FILE link were under the image but it is not.)

e) When you have completed uploading your image (s), there are two buttons at the top right REVIEW THE INSTRUCTIONS (if you need to see that page again) or JURY VIEW.  It’s a good idea to check out the Jury View so you know exactly what MGNE will receive.

7) For the final step, you must click the PayPal button on the right to pay your entry fee.  When you have completed payment at PayPal, your entry is automatically submitted. Unlike many sites, you will not be directed back to the Entrythingy site. You are all set! However, if you would like to confirm your completed submission, you can log back into Entrythingy, look on the right side under MY ENTRIES, click on View Entry, and your submission should be displayed.

If you have additional questions about Entrythingy  visit their “Frequently Asked Questions.”  at