MGNE is run completely by volunteers. Join our community of creative printmakers to help us host exhibitions, workshops, and other programming. There are many ways to get involved …

  • Serve on the Board

This is MGNE’s creative steering committee. Meet for a couple of hours for 6 Saturdays a year. Share your ideas in a fun, collaborative environment with an enjoyable group of fellow artists. Coffee, tea and snacks provided.

  • Exhibitions

May include: finding venues, pick-up/drop-off of artwork, gallery sitting, or hosting receptions

  • Workshops/Education

May include: hosting workshops, contacting potential venues, coordinating with presenters, coordinating sign-ups

  • Publicity

May include: writing content for our blog, vendor ads, graphic design, coordinating member news, helping with social media

To volunteer, first become a member of MGNE, then contact us below for an invitation to visit one of our bi-monthly planning meetings.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message